and more information on Mesopotamia, Sumer, and Hammurabi, try these links:
As always, your first stop should be
LookLex Encyclopedia (with photos)
Myths and Legends
The History Guide
Kidipede, History for Kids
Lycos Retriever, a listing of resources
the Louvre, see what they have on Hammurabi!
The links were updated in August, 2011. No promises how long they will remain current.

Folk Tales
FOLK TALES    If you like this site, you may also like the folk tales collected by the author while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia and as a muralist around the world. They are kid tested and approved by students of all ages.

Free Clip Art
FREE CLIP ART   Yep, free Clip Art by Phillip Martin! Remember, it really is FREE art for your classroom, newsletters, or wherever you can find a non-profit use. Check back often because it continues to grow

Power Points
PPPST.COM     Pppst!! I've teamed up with Don and Lin Donn of Mr Donn's Ancient History to start Pete's Power Point Station. Need to find a Powerpoint presentation on just about anything? This is where you need to look first. Need lesson plans on ancient history? Go to Mr. Donn.

MURALS by PHILLIP MARTIN    They weren't my own brilliant idea. The murals kind of took on a life of their own because of the free clip art. It started with an email from Namibia, but now you never know where I might show up with brush in hand.
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Compiled and Illustrated by.Phillip Martin
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Copyright 1998 and revised 2015